BY :Aza Adeyemi Shukura
1. The only people you can think of during Black History Month are Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.
2. You think Martin Luther King Jr. was "better"
3. You want your children to have "good hair" and "fair" skin.
4. You find yourself getting excited around babies who have light eyes.
5. You think that Historically Black Colleges and Universities have no purpose.
6. You discourage people from attending them.
7. You think Africa is a country.
8. You think Africa is a country where everyone is poor and has AIDS.
9. You don't want to be in the sun.
10. You're a woman who goes to the beach but won't dare get in the water...and not because you can't swim.
11. You enjoy being able to "pass".
12. You are not comfortable around people who look like you do.
13. You and all of your friends have blond hair and blue eyes except yours are fake.
14. You are more willing to believe information from white owned newssources.
15. Non-white owned newssources are not "legitimate"
16. You think that using "big words" means that someone is "talking white"
17. You are upset when white men call a black woman a "ho" but you do the same.
18. You only date white men/women.
19. You know who Shakespeare is but don't know who August Wilson is.
20. Your mother owns a heavy fur coat and doesn't think you should associate with "those people"...
21. While at church.
22. You agree.
23. You know more about Sag Harbor, Martha's Vineyard, and the Hamptons, than you do about Harlem.'
24. You have had plastic surgery...
25. On your nose.
26. You think that it is good that our ancestors were enslaved, otherwise we would not be in America.
27. You believe that America is the most
28. You laugh at the idea of African philosophy.
29. You don't see the difference between calling yourself a "Greek" and being a member of a "Greek-lettered organization" and that "Black greek" is not an oxymoron
30. You consider those who aren't like you to be "militant".
31. You don't really understand what the word militant're just repeating what you heard from someone.
32. You can't remember who that "someone" is.
33. You believe that your Creator: (God, Jesus,Vishnu, Allah, Jehovah etc.) is white...or you don't think that it matters.
34. You think Michael Vick should have went to jail
35. You don't think perming your hair is an issue because its just hair.
36. You believe you're an Afrikan amerikan
37. You think Pat Robenson was right
38. Afrika is not on your places to go list
39. You think Malcolm X stopped believing in Black Nation building because he "changed"
40. You think Obama makes you an amerika.
41. You think you're an amerikan
42. You think a degree from a white institution makes you educated
43. You think we are all born sinners
44. You embrace of races and whiteness before you embrace your Afrikan self
45. You think Kanye West is an asshole for interrupting taylor swift
46. You think Zane is the best Black book you've ever read in your life
47. You say things to other Black people like: Why are you into that Black stuff?
48. You think you're not an Afrikan because you were born in amerika
49. You're children will never be introduced to Kwanzaa because christmas is our tradition
50. You think being called an Afrikan is an insult
51. You suffer from negro tendencies
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