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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hannibal of Carthage (247-183 B.C.)

Hannibal is said to be the greatest military leader and strategist of all time. Hannibal was born in 247 B.C., when Carthage, then the maritime power, was beginning to decline. The Carthaginians civilisation was a mix of African and Phoenicians, who were great merchants. They traded with India and the people of the Mediterranean, and the Scilly Isles.

When very young, Hannibal accompanied Hamilclar, his father in a battle with the Romans. Seventeen years later, he succeeded his father and became supreme commander of the peninsula. Hannibal had 80,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry, and 40 African war elephants. He conquered major portions of Spain and France, and all of Italy, except for Rome.

Hannibal marched his army and war elephants through the Alps to surprise and conquer his enemies. In one battle, the Romans put 80,000 men on the field to defeat Hannibal, led by Scipio. When Scipio attacked with his entire army, Hannibal had so studied the grounds and arranged his men so that they surrounded the Romans. He then turned his armored war elephants loose and trampled them. Behind them, he sent his African swordsmen to complete the slaughter.

In another battle, Rome sent 90,000 men led by Varro and Emilius. With only 50,000 men, knowing he could not win by using his main force, Hannibal placed the weakest part of his army in the center, contrary to the best military rules. With his veterans and cavalry on both wings, the Romans struck them in full center as Hannibal had anticipated. When they were sure of victory by overcoming the center, Hannibal's flank closed in and killed 70,000 men, 80 senators and Emilius.

Hannibal later went on to become a statesman of Carthage, and later took his own life, rather than surrender to Rome.


  1. I'm Sicilian and ive always tried to explain this to people. but you left a couple things out.
    1- They crossed the two races make all of italy half black half white.
    2- They came back 1000-1200 years after to get back italy, but the italics pushed them out, but once again, the races were crossed a second time
    Think it over once more and youll understand

    1. So today in America if you have a drop of black blood you are considered..... wait for it...... BLACK!!! But I guess in a historical context miscegenation has always been a political tactic to ascertain power. For example, when Europeans invaded Egypt if you were mixed you were considered WHITE!!! Think it over once more and you'll understand

  2. Sorry, but Hannibal was NOT Sub-Saharan African. Here is a Carthaginian coin with his picture, from 221 BC.
    But hey! Thanks for playing. Now go back to your Afro-centric fantasyland. LOLOL

    1. Hannibal wasn't African? Okay let's think about this logically for a second. Can you please name for me types of ELEPHANTS that are indigenous to EUROPE? Don't worry I'll wait........Notice how you showed me a COIN that doesn't prove ethnic or racial identity. Do you have any other sources to back up your claims? Don't worry about it because Europeans has been taking credit for African achievement for centuries so one more person wouldn't hurt.

  3. I'm sorry to inform you but Hannibal was certainly not African in any capacity. Although, you are technically correct that elephants are not indigenous to Africa, neither were the Carthaginians. The city was founded by the Phoenicians, a European people from Asia Minor. Consequently, Hannibal, a member of the Upper echelons of Carthaginian society was undeniably of European descent.

  4. Sorry for the error, I meant to say that although elephants are native to Africa the Carthaginians were not. Also, in rebuttal of you previous response, the aforementioned coin clearly depicts a man of European descent. Any bust or statue dedicated to Hannibal from his own time clearly depicts him as having European facial features, so maybe you should start using one of these Actual images instead of your fabrication which is undoubtedly inaccurate.

  5. both of you blacks and whites are stealing history from its true people, which still exist today but use a different langauge, carthage was founded by phoenicians, and phoenicians are modern day lebanese, they're not european,
    and they're not subsaharan either, you people are pissing us off with your bullshit, especially african americans who tend to steal most of middle eastern culture and history.
