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Monday, February 7, 2011

Second Chance

Being with you was like drinking poison from the nectar of heaven.
A blissful death is better then a miserable life.
I gave up on us, and thought of making you my wife.
Emotional complacency defined our existence.
The love we had been dying and me just being a witness.
Your essence gave me purpose it brought life to my dreams.
Your voice was caressing, your thoughts was engrained in my spirit.
My feeling about you used to echo in my head.
My heart allowed me to hear it.
With you the world ceased to exist and time stopped.
For you were my fuel and I worshipped every drop
I was captivated by your energy, and addicted to your soul.
In my arms we would both grow old
Now we have grown apart
The serenity we created is a futile work of art.
Bitterness and hate are rampant without probable reason.
List of regrets; is it too late to begin a new season?
Foolish immaturity forces me to become a man.
To start a new life with you is where I want to stand.
Second chances are figment of our imagination
Unless we believe in ourselves and set realistic expectations 

1 comment:

  1. Peace Lifted Truth,

    Wonderfully written poem. Speaks of the journey of maturity and it's never ending regrets... Define "realistic" expectations because we are only limited by the lengths of our imagination. A lost love might not be lost forever, maybe not this lifetime but the next.

    I think you have a typo in the first line (think there's suppose to be a 'you' in there)

    One Love,

